fruits in thailand
Thailand has exported fresh fruits for many years and both the quantities and varieties are increasing steadily.
Department of Agricultural Extension, Ministry of Agriculture and
Cooperatives, considered that although at present the exports of fresh
fruits are increasing rapidly, the actual qotal production. So a
publicity campaign directed at people in other countries, such
uantities involved are still low comparing with the tas importers and
consumers, to make them more aware of Thai fruits, would be one way of
promoting increasing exports.The objectives of preparing this
second booklet, for the purpose of public relations of Thai fruits
which is the major concern of the Department, are for it to act as a
handbook for producers, exporters, importers and consumers so they can
all learn about Thai fruits clearly in the same way, and at the same
time see the efforts of the government to encourage greater exports of
fresh fruits in both quantity and quality, as laid down in the sixth
National Economic and Social Development Plan. For details in addition
to those given in this book, including advice and shortcomings, please
contact Fruit Tree Sub-Division, Crop Promotion Division, Department of
Agricultural Extension,