Thailand has a strong tradition of rice production. It has the fifth-largest amount of land under rice cultivation in
the world and is the world's second largest exporter of rice. Thailand
has plans to further increase its land available for rice production,
with a goal of adding 500,000 hectares to its already 9.2 million hectares of rice-growing areas. The Thai Ministry of Agriculture expects rice production to yield around 30 million tons of rice for 2008. The most produced strain of rice in Thailand is jasmine rice, which is a higher quality type of rice. However, jasmine has a significantly lower yield rate than other types of rice, but it also normally fetches more than double the price of other strains in a global market.

The Thai government had strong incentives to increase rice production
and they were successful in most of their plans. The government
invested in irrigation, infrastructure, and other pro-rice projects.
The World Bank also provided finance for dams, canals, locks, ditches, and otherinfrastructure in the Greater Chaophraya Project. These policies helped lead rice land to increase from 35 million to 59 million rai from
1950s to 1980s. The graph on the next page, Figure 2, shows the
increased paddy rice production in Thailand from 1961 to 2007. The rice
production has about tripled in terms of total paddy rice produced.
While Thailand's rice production has not increased every year, which is
not to be expected, one can see a trend line for steady significant
increases since the 1960s.